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definitions and application中文是什么意思

用"definitions and application"造句"definitions and application"怎么读"definitions and application" in a sentence


  • 定义及应用


  • Public transport - road vehicle scheduling and control systems - worldfip definition and application rules for onboard - data transmission
  • Public transport . road vehicle scheduling and control systems . worldfip definition and application rules for onboard data transmission
  • Public transport - road vehicle scheduling and control systems - part 1 : worldfip definition and application rules for onboard data transmission
  • Public transport - road vehicle scheduling and control systems - part 1 : worldfip definition and application rules for onboard data transmission ; english version en 13149 - 1 : 2004
  • The main research work of this dissertation listed as follows : firstly , the development history and its importance of chaos exploration are reviewed , also , the definitions and applications of chaos are summarized . moreover , some kinds of representative strategies and their characteristics for control of chaotic systems in last decades are introduced in detail
    全文主要工作有如下几个方面: 1 .综述了混沌研究的发展历史及其意义,归纳和总结了混沌的定义及混沌应用前景,着重评述了最近十几年来国内外几类具有代表性的混沌控制方法及其特点,阐述了本论文的研究意义。
  • The mathematics definition and application scope of the petri net and colored petri net were systematically introduced . we modeled and analysed the virtual circuit communication in micro communication element architecture using cpn and cpn emunation tools and analysed the emunation and state space in detail for the first time . during the procedure we took a new and more brief way to analyse and define the model
    本文系统地介绍了petri网和着色petri网的数学定义和应用范围,以及建模采用的仿真工具cpntools 。第一次对微通信元系统架构的虚电路管理模型进行了建模验证和分析,并进行了详细的仿真分析和状态空间分析。
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